Friday, June 20, 2008


Weve just had a pretty decent thunder storm roll through Val Di Sole, the rain only lasted about 20 minutes so i don't think its going to affect the track much if at all.
4x qualifying was on this evening, Jarad Graves is top qualifier which is sick with the NZ guys spread out through out the pack;
25. 125 NZL19880203 COLE Cameron NZL
31. 93 NZL19900324 WALKER Matthew NZL
37. 110 NZL19870418 MASTERS Wyn NZL
47. 128 NZL19850125 PATTLE Craig NZL

4x seems to have turned into a bit too much of specialist sport lately which I think is making it a bit less exciting, theres only a few people racing both DH and 4x and three of them are from NZ (Matt, Wyn and Cameron) along with Filip Polc from Slovakia. Thats the only people I can pick from the results anyway.

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