It stopped raining basically straight after our qualifier so it was really dry by the time finals rolled around. I was pretty confident going into the finals but was a little nervous being the last starter. I had a really clean run and hit everything exactly how I wanted and came through the finish over 2 seconds up on 2nd place finisher Gerrit Beytagh.
Cam Cole finished up 3rd making it two podiums for the weekend after getting 2nd in slalom last night, Amy Laird backed up the good finishes with 2nd place in the womens DH
After DH Cam, Amy and myself headed back up the hill to race super d, this is the first time ive raced it and I was racing the track blind because I didnt get a chance to practice the course. The start was a Le Mans format mass start so it made it pretty fun.
I got a really good start and managed to get through the first turn in the lead and start sprinting, I held the lead for about the first minute then the XC guys started flying past on the first uphill. I was looking forward to the DH to make up some positions but going into the first single track I got a front flat tire which sucked, Cam Cole was right in front of me and got a rear flat in the exact same spot! Amy had bad luck aswell after getting a good start her back wheel fell out of her bike so she couldnt finish either.

Next weekend the US national champs are on and they don't let anyone not from America race so its an off weekend for me. Cam, Amy and me and going to head to the Unadilla AMA motocross national next weekend so its not all bad!
Sikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Kieran...
Hold her open for the remaining rounds chop! Great way to thank your new sponsor
Adrian Elinor and Kaia :)
Way to PINN it buddy!
Have fun out in Unadilla (i hate you soooooo much! haha)
YeeeHaaa Kieran
Big congrats from all of us at home. Keep it pinned
Luv Mum
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