Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The end of another season...

Once again another season is done and in the books, although it was shorter than last year for me this one has been busy! ive had 2 weekends break the whole season and in those two weekends I was riding so I havent really stopped in the last 4 1/2 months.
Its been a break out year for me though and im really happy with how it has all played out.
I have achieved all the goals set out for myself at the start of the year, even some that I thought may have been a little unrealistic like a top 20 at the World Championships and I placed 13th so that was awesome.
There has been a lot of travelling this year aswell with about 150 hours spent in a van driving in the US alone and about 90 hours spent in planes over the whole season.

Im taking a bit of a break now to try and let a couple of small injuries heal up and let my body recover! Im not sure how long it will last though because I can't wait to get back on a moto.
Keep an eye out though because this isnt the end of my blog updates yet, ill be posting up any interesting news or anything exciting that happens during the off season.

Above: Mt Saint Anne

Below: Bromont

Photos curtesy of Sven Martin.
Thanks Sven!

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